A Lausanne-based public sector company is looking for an Ada consultant to help migrate the data persistence layer of an Ada application from OpenText Collection Server to Postgres/SQL. Interested parties should contact the president of Ada-Switzerland for further details.
Members of Ada-Europe will be offered a 25% discount on John Barnes' latest book "Programming in Ada 2012 with a Preview of Ada 2022". Details will be announced at the Ada-Europe conference and in the next edition of the Ada User Journal.
This year's Ada-Europe Conference in Ghent, Belgium is now open for registration. You can benefit from a discount if you register by 20 May. Head over to the AEiC 2022 Registration Site for more information.
The Ada User Journal Issue 42-2 has been printed and mailed directly to the membership. Members in Switzerland should have received their copy. If you have not received your copy by the end of the year, please contact Ahlan as president@ada-switzerland.ch.
Eurocity is looking for an Ada developer to work as consultant at EUROCONTROL. Details and contact information in the job offer.
The 25th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, scheduled for 8-12 June 2020, has been postponed to June 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please refer to the Notice of Cancellation for additional information.
We are going to migrate this website to Bootstrap v4 towards the end of this year. With that, support for old browsers like Internet Explorer 8 and 9 or Netscape will be dropped.
At the general assembly it was decided that there should be another Ada Switzerland event this year. The form of the event, date and location are to be defined, so check back for updates. Suggestions are invited from the membership.
We have migrated our webhosting to a new, cheaper and more flexible plan. If you experience any problems with this page or email accounts, please contact our webmaster.
Tutorial & Workshop information is now available on the Ada-Europe conference website.
The first technical corrigendum to the Ada 2012 standard has been published by ISO and can be read here. We will make it available for download in our resources section ASAP.
Long-time advocate of Ada, perhaps best known for his work on ASIS, also Navy Deputy to the Ada Joint Program Office, passed away on 23 December 2015 in Boise, Idaho.
Danish computer science pioneer and Turing award winner (Backus-Naur form, ALGOL 60), passed away on 3 January 2016 (aged 87).
If you would like to attend the 2016 GA, please use this poll to vote for 10 March in Zurich or Winterthur, or 12 March in Torgon.
It is with great sadness that we have to report the sudden loss of Robert Dewar to cancer. He will be sorely missed in the Ada World amongst others.
Our website got a makeover, which aims at improved user experience on mobile devices. Check it out and please report any errors to our webmaster.
Springer has published the Ada 2012 Reference Manual as LCNS Vol. 8339, available as eBook and paperback.
Springer has published the Ada 2012 Rationale as LCNS Vol. 8338, available as eBook and paperback. All members of Ada Switzerland were sent a copy.